1. FEM
2. CFD
The Finite Element Method (FEM) today in many areas is an important tool for the engineer. It can be used in calculations for the smallest components to complex installations, or in determining mechanical or thermal stress.
In the past FEM was used primarily for damage analysis, today FEM will be used already in the development of new products. We use FEM analysis for the projects of our customers as well as for our own developments. Here, we concentrate on problems in the field of engine technology. It is also possible to combine MBS (Multi Body Simulations) with FEM.
The understanding of the behavior of fluids in many areas is an important factor for the development of products and processes. With the availability of particularly powerful computing capabilities in the field of computational fluid dynamics analysis, research work moves increasingly out of the lab.
This is obviously of particular importance to what extent that the simulation of the real world situation adequately predicts. However user-friendly and intuitive user interfaces and their integration into the engineering workflow increase the circle of users of the computational fluid dynamics dramatically.
Moreover, the computer simulations have been used as a complement to theoretical and experimental work in the field of engineering sciences. Then because computer simulations are very practical, fast and cost effective, they are becoming very common even though they does not reflect the exact reality.
The Finite Element Method (FEM), as part of applied mechanics has long been established. On the other hand Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) takes an important position in the design and interpretation of fluid systems.
Flow applications come in various forms for use across industries. In this broad field of applications, we would be appreciated to support you in case of CFD in engine technology.